Prayers and Answers
© 2007, Jaimée M. Seis
The Text is a translation of a poem which is also included in the German book
“Alle Tage vom Himmel umarmt“ (Every Day embraced by Heaven),
Information on the Book in the menu ‘Information’ under ‘Books’
Promises Poem
Once I looked for promises in the Bible, since we need them ever so often, and it is amazing, how much God has promised to us in his caring love. And it was even more amazing to read them all in succession. It is so encouraging to know ourselves carried by God’s love. So in this Poem are compiled the promises of many Bible verses, which are listed below the poem. May it be as encouraging to you as it was and is to me, when we listen to what God wants to tell us very personally. God’s Word is an encouragement, which we can pass on time and again. So may these promises carry us in our lives, and may this knowledge give us comfort in hardships and struggles, most of all may we rejoice over his love.
From Deuteronomy, Job, Psalms, Isaiah Jeremiah, Hosea, Matthew, Mark, Romans, Philippians
Jaimée M.
© 2007, Jaimée M. Seis
The rendered Bible texts see in Deuteronomy 14:27; Job 19:25-27; Psalm 40:1; Isaiah 25:8; 41:10; 43:1,4; 46:4; 49:16; 51:12; 52:6; 55:3; 57:19; 60:5; 62:5; 63:16; 65:24; Jeremiah 1:11-12; 31:3; Hosea 2:21; Matthew 11:28-29; Mark 9:24; John 6:37; 8:32,34-36; 10:11; 14:16- 18; 15:13,15; 16:33; 17:3; Romans 8:15-17; Philippians 4:7
The Bible verse declarations and their messages in the poem are more specifically listed in the menu ‘Information’ under ‘Particulars’
The Ten Covenant Words
When I read the Ten Commandments as written in Exodus 20 I asked God to help me understand their deeper meaning and his purpose – what He really meant to say, and to see his deep love in every single one of them. The Bible even does not call them ‘Ten Commandments’ but ‘the Ten Words’. One cannot command love. In the original language it does not even say “you shall” but that it will be so. These ten words are words of God’s heart and mind. So this study resulted in a prayer of awe, expressing the width and length and depth and height of his love. But still what I was able to grasp is just like a twinkling light of ten stars in our earthly night, just a glimpse of God’s immeasurable love, whose glory is a hundredfold brighter than the brightest sunshine – the glory of a love that embraces us and we only will really grasp in its fullness once we be with Him and be able look into His eyes. Just catching these little glimpses of ten stars makes me understand: no longer “we shall” do, but it raises the desire for “I want” to do, “I will” do it. Having Him and his love in our hearts we will love, for He first loved us ...
© 2017, Jaimée M. Seis
The Ten Commandments can be found in Exodus 20