Prayers and Answers
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Matthew 6:9-13 Nkjv
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name
Our dear Father in heaven,
It is so good to have You as our Father. You give us such a strong fatherly love and safety, and you guide and carry us. With You I am at home. And as wonderful as You are is your name. It expresses your character of love and your way to act and to live your love. Therefore your name is unique; it is as special as You are. I want to lift it up and keep it holy, and I ask You to help me, that your name, your good character, may become visible in my life. And the entire world may get to know the truth about You, and thus see the revelation of your character in your name.
Your kingdom come
Where You are, there is your kingdom of love, peace, righteousness, faithfulness and freedom.
May it become a reality within me too, be the Prince of peace in my heart, write your law of love on the tables of my heart, that your peace will rule in my life, and that I will be able to pass on your peace. Help me to become a bearer of your kingdom.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
It is your will that we may be saved.
Your desire is to bring me home, as much as You would like to do with everyone who wants to be saved, and You do all You can to save. You want me to know, that everything serves for my good, even though at times I do not understand the things that happen to me. So I ask You to help me to accept your will in my life in the knowledge of your love for me. And as much as your will is done in heaven help me to live it here on earth. That your saving will of love may be a light that shines into the world.
Give us this day our daily bread
So please give me also today what I really need, and let me realize, what I don’t need.
And above it all help me to take for my mind and my heart every day the bread which is your living Word, make me realize, that otherwise I let starve my heart and mind to death. Your Word, your truth, your presence and your love keep me alive day by day. Thank You, that You give Yourself to me, because You want me to have life in its fullness.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
By You being with me I know myself loved by You, even if I am failing.
Please help me to realize my lack of love and my self-centredness; I want to confess it to You and to ask You for forgiveness. Give me the assurance, that You already have forgiven me also for those things, where I often cannot forgive myself. Give me your peace in the knowledge that You took away my guilt. And help me to forgive all those, who have hurt, disappointed and deceived me. Please help me; it is often so difficult for me to do so. I need You.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
Your strength I need in order to fight against my selfish and unkind inclinations,
so that I may not come into the temptation to speak, to think and to act in the manners of the world. And help me, that I do not turn away from You, when hard things happen to me, which I don’t understand. Protect me from the enemy, so that He cannot drag me away from You with his insinuations. Teach me the right way, and help me to do right for it is right. Hold me and make me flee to You in temptations, that in your presence all the dark shadows may flee from me.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Thank You for the knowledge, that You have overcome already,
and that the kingdom of the whole universe belongs to You. Yours are the might and the power, but still You were the Conqueror in the glory of your love and your humbleness when You in the person of your Son were on this earth. Therefore all glory and honour belongs to You. And since You will come soon your kingdom of love, righteousness, faithfulness and freedom will be established from eternity to eternity. Thank You for bringing us home into your kingdom. Thank You for You being who You are.
Amen, yes come soon, our dear Father.
Jaimée M.
© 2007, Jaimée M. Seis
The Text is a translation of a poem which is also included in the German book
“Alle Tage vom Himmel umarmt“ (Every Day embraced by Heaven),
Information on the Book in the menu ‘Information’ under ‘Books’
Promises Poem
Once I looked for promises in the Bible, since we need them ever so often, and it is amazing, how much God has promised to us in his caring love. And it was even more amazing to read them all in succession. It is so encouraging to know ourselves carried by God’s love. So in this Poem are compiled the promises of many Bible verses, which are listed below the poem. May it be as encouraging to you as it was and is to me, when we listen to what God wants to tell us very personally. God’s Word is an encouragement, which we can pass on time and again. So may these promises carry us in our lives, and may this knowledge give us comfort in hardships and struggles, most of all may we rejoice over his love.
Eternally Father and Child
“My Father,
I know You live, and at the end
You will stand on the passing earth.
I will see You myself,
and with my own eyes I will behold You
How my heart yearns within me,
longing to say at that last day,
’You are not a stranger to me,
I got to know You in such an intimate way,
that nothing can shake my faith in You.’
Father, I am so willing to trust You!
Please help me in moments
of doubting thoughts and confusing feelings!
Please help me to trust You!”
“My Child,
Do you see?
I show you an almond branch full of blossoms,
since in my Scripture the almond tree
is called ’watchman’ for blooming first in spring.
Likewise I will keep watch over my Word to be fulfilled.
I stand back of every promise I gave.
Always remember, whoever comes to me will not be cast out.
I never will leave you nor forsake you, I am always with you.
I know in this world you are afraid and troubled,
but be of good courage, I have overcome the world.
So come to me, heavy laden as you are,
and I will give you peace.
Look at me, listen to me and learn from me,
for I am gentle and meek,
and you will find rest for your heart.
I will set you free, free from sin and guilt.
And if you know me as I am it will free you from fear,
for to know the truth about me is eternal life.
I bow down from heaven to where you are,
I will wipe away your tears,
and even before you call I will answer.
I am He who comforts you, who tells you, ‘Here I am.’
I will heal your heart and your mind from the sickness of sin,
and I give you my peace which surpasses all understanding.
Fear not, for I am with you. I am your God and your Father.
I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you.
I will uphold you with my mighty hand,
and I will carry you and I hold you in my arms.
I have created you and I have redeemed you.
I called you by your name, you are my child.
I always have loved you with an everlasting love.
Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.
And bonded to you in an eternal covenant
I rejoice over you, I made you an everlasting excellence
and it is my desire to call you my friend.
You are precious to me, my own life I laid down for you.
See, I inscribed you on the palms of my hands.
I always loved you and will always love you
My beloved child, I am
your Father”
From Deuteronomy, Job, Psalms, Isaiah Jeremiah, Hosea, Matthew, Mark, Romans, Philippians
Jaimée M.
© 2007, Jaimée M. Seis
The rendered Bible texts see in Deuteronomy 14:27; Job 19:25-27; Psalm 40:1; Isaiah 25:8; 41:10; 43:1,4; 46:4; 49:16; 51:12; 52:6; 55:3; 57:19; 60:5; 62:5; 63:16; 65:24; Jeremiah 1:11-12; 31:3; Hosea 2:21; Matthew 11:28-29; Mark 9:24; John 6:37; 8:32,34-36; 10:11; 14:16- 18; 15:13,15; 16:33; 17:3; Romans 8:15-17; Philippians 4:7
The Bible verse declarations and their messages in the poem are more specifically listed in the menu ‘Information’ under ‘Particulars’
The Ten Covenant Words
When I read the Ten Commandments as written in Exodus 20 I asked God to help me understand their deeper meaning and his purpose – what He really meant to say, and to see his deep love in every single one of them. The Bible even does not call them ‘Ten Commandments’ but ‘the Ten Words’. One cannot command love. In the original language it does not even say “you shall” but that it will be so. These ten words are words of God’s heart and mind. So this study resulted in a prayer of awe, expressing the width and length and depth and height of his love. But still what I was able to grasp is just like a twinkling light of ten stars in our earthly night, just a glimpse of God’s immeasurable love, whose glory is a hundredfold brighter than the brightest sunshine – the glory of a love that embraces us and we only will really grasp in its fullness once we be with Him and be able look into His eyes. Just catching these little glimpses of ten stars makes me understand: no longer “we shall” do, but it raises the desire for “I want” to do, “I will” do it. Having Him and his love in our hearts we will love, for He first loved us ...
The Prayer of the Ten Words of God
1, One God
God the Father, the Son and the Spirit, You are my only true God, You have rescued me from bondage and given me freedom. Only You shall be the centre of my life, You are the centre of my heart.
2, Worship
You are unique. Your character of love is supreme; there is no one and nothing like You.
Nothing above in your heavenly world, nothing on our earth,
and much less in the underworld beneath the water and the earth can give a perfect image of You.
You are my only God, whom I want to love with all my heart and mind,
the One, who guides me, the only One I worship and listen to with joy.
Since You love me with all your heart too,
and since our relationship is unique to You, You don’t want to lose me.
You even were willing to leave heaven and look after me and search for me,
in order to bring me home when I went astray.
And being near You, You show me all the grace of your love.
3, Name
Your Name stands for your wonderful character.
And I want to make your Name known,
by living it and expressing it through my thoughts, feelings and deeds,
so that my life becomes an expression of your Name of love.
4, Sabbath
The Seventh-Day-Sabbath is holy and full of meaning for me,
since it is a symbol of the eternal rest and restoration of heaven and paradise,
and of the rest and freedom in You,
and also of your humbleness and willingness to descend to my lowliness.
Already when You powerfully created the heavens and the earth
You have thought of leaving the heavens and come down to earth.
Already then you had planned to become a man, joining my infirmities in order to reach me,
and to give your life in order to finally rescue me from the slavery of fear and mistrust and rebellion,
since in proving your trustworthiness You set me free to live for all eternity with You in harmony.
No longer does my heart struggle with the wrong image of a fearsome deity
and therefore it does no longer need to struggle with defending and fighting.
So I lay down my selfish will and desire to control my neighbours, forcing my own standards on them,
but selflessly want to give them freedom too in their individuality,
by sharing the truth of your character and the rest and peace I found in You and your unfailing love.
Therefore your Seventh-Day-Sabbath is something special for You and me,
it is the seal of your covenant of freedom and love and unity,
a symbol of the seal of love and freedom You placed in my heart.
You are a loving God and worthy of every worship,
and true worship is to love You and your children.
5, Fatherhood
You chose my parents to fulfil your desire and dream to create me.
You did a miracle through them, and I will always honour, respect, accept and esteem them highly.
They deserve my gratitude and love; because of them I had the chance to live,
and therefore the possibility of having eternal life in my heart by You living in me.
Thank You for having chosen my earthly parents. Thank You even more for wanting me to know:
You are my real Father who loved me already before my life began. My true Father, that is You.
6, Life
As it is your desire so shall it be my desire too to save life.
Please help me to love in a way that it will help my neighbour to love You too ... and live.
Guide therefore my deeds and my words not to destroy,
but to raise in my neighbour’s heart the desire to live with You for eternity.
7, Covenant
I want to be faithful, respecting, loving and being committed
to the covenant of earthly marriage bonds.
It is a picture of your eternal covenant You ever carried in your heart.
Your love for me and your faithfulness to our covenant helps me to share faithfulness here on earth.
Your covenant is priceless,
You are one with humanity in becoming a human, uniting divinity and humanity in You.
And because You longed for us with a yearning heart You risked all,
You were willing to be one with us in being a human for all eternity.
How much do I want to be faithful to your everlasting covenant of love./p>
8, Giving
You are the great Giver, You give without measure.
You do not insist on your rights, You even give without receiving.
I am in need, but You fill my emptiness with your bounty.
Help me share it and give in the right way with a joyful heart as You do.
Help me to be a true child of Yours,
of You, the One, who makes the sun shine and the rain come down upon all.
And you did not stop there ... You even gave your own life ...
9, Truth
Only You know what is in the heart,
therefore I don’t want to say anything harmful about others but make known the truth.
I want to defend others, and want to talk personally to my neighbour instead about him.
I want to go to my neighbour and find out the truth in order to restore.
The same is true with our relationship, yours and mine:
I want to get to know the truth about You,
lest I tell something wrong of You, shedding a bad light on your wonderful character.
Help me to understand You really, make me a testimony of your loving character
Help me to see the truth and make me talk and live your love.
10, Character
My thoughts and my feelings shall be dedicated to You.
Help me to be settled in You – to feel the peace and contentment You give,
that my restless heart finds rest in You.
Please purify my mind, my heart, my soul.
You know my inmost thoughts and I need You.
Send your Holy Spirit to write your law of love on the tables of my heart.
Through Him I live, and You live in me, through Him You are one with me.
This is at-one-ment and unity, restoration and healing.
Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Make your dream and your desire come true in my character,
your dream, which is so vividly expressed in the Arch of the Covenant:
Your words of love written in my heart, I am the wood, but you the pure golden cover,
covering me, protecting me, perfectly united and at one, so that your glory may embrace me.
Thank you, my Redeemer and Saviour, for the promises in your ten Covenant Words.
I love You, my God, oh, how I love You!
Jaimée M.
© 2017, Jaimée M. Seis
The Ten Commandments can be found in Exodus 20