Books for your Day
Though this Homepage is not a homepage for book-sale but wants to serve for passing on information and the Good News, still for the sake of completeness are listed here the books of the author of the Homepage, so that all who maybe prefer selected contents of the homepage in book form may be given access to it.
The main emphasis in her books is always: ’God’s Character of love in the Old and New Testament, and the Good News of God’s Revelation’.
Along with the short descriptions of the books the addresses for order are always noted. The complete addresses can be found at the end of the book list. In addition to the prices for the book shipping prices will be added.
May these books become a joy and a blessing. With all the best wishes for you.

English Books

Plan of Love
- Can Humanity and the Earth be saved?
Booklet, 32 p, 7,5 x 10,5 cm, 1,00 €,
available in German and in French, ideal for distribution
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Tel. +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
- Ö: info@toplife-center.com,
- CH: info@adventverlag.ch,
- G: info@advent-verlag.de
God’s love is like an ocean and its story is unique. This booklet tells the story from the time of creation, through the crowning highlights on our planet until the new creation of the earth. What do all of these events tell us about God? The booklet shows us in a short story that God's love is a love which perseveres ... and we begin to understand God.

The Truth about God
is the Answer to Question about God’s Character
Booklet, 32 p, 7,5 x 10,5 cm, 5,00 €,
available in German and in French, ideal for distribution
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone. +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
God is love. – But what means then his ‘Wrath’? What about the two trees and God’s sentences in the Garden of Eden? What shall we think of his judgements in the Old Testament? And how will He act in his judgement at the end of the world? The good message is: God Himself answers those questions in his Word ... and this Answer is able to set free from fear and to build trust. So may we discover anew the Truth about God’s trustworthiness in our time today, and may we see how He from Genesis to Revelation lays the foundation for this. – Because God loves selflessly and sincere every one of us.

The Glad Tidings of God’s Revelation
- The Message of God’s Care
48 p, 15 x 21 cm, 5,00 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone. +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
Through the Book of Revelation God sends a special letter to all of us, which by clear outlines is easier to understand and to grasp, and thus it may become a treasure to us.
By this letter God wants to accompany and encourage us until He returns. Whatever may happen in this world, we have a mighty God who leads our way. He has promised to be with us and to help us. And so He writes this special ‘Revelation Letter’ personally to each one of us in order to unfold his plan of Salvation and his care for us.

God’s Day reveals
His Mystery in His Light
- God and His Covenant
in His Creation, His Covenant Words and His Sanctuary
60p, 15x21cm, 5,00€
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone. +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
God had a plan when He completed His Creation with the seventh Day, He had a plan when He embedded the seventh Day among the Ten Words of his Covenant like seal, and when He asked his people to build Him a Sanctuary, which in visible symbols also reflected the essence of the seventh Day. Surprising details about this Day show that it is more than just a day of rest. May we study this Day anew and discover amazing truths about God’s Mystery and his boundless love for us ...
All of these Books and many more are available in German. Information on the following pages.
French Book
Plan d’amour
- Y a-t-il une possibilité de salut pour l’humanité et pour la terre ?
Brochure / booklet, 32 pages, 7,5 x 10,5 cm, 1,00 €,
- Top Life Center, Tél. / phone 0043 1229 4000,
- info@toplife-center.com,
- www.toplife-center.com
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Tél. / phone. +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02,
- CH: info@adventverlag.ch
- G: info@advent-verlag.de
Où va l’humanité, que nous apporte l’avenir et comment tout cela se terminera-t-il ? En quoi cela me concerne-t-il personnellement et où vais-je trouver des réponses à mes questions ?
Aujourd’hui, les réponses à ces questions sont plus importantes que jamais. Il existe aussi une chronique qui nous apporte une nouvelle perspective sur ce qui se passe dans le monde et les motifs et qui nous offre un panorama de l’histoire de l’univers, de la signification importante de la terre et de la valeur de toute personne.
Cette chronique est un héritage fait à l’humanité et une solution étonnante.
All of these Books and many more are available in German. Information on the following pages.
German Books
Novels and Story Books

Wie eine Perle in meiner Hand
(Like a Pearl in my Hand) Novell, 500 p, 15 x 21 cm, 17,00 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone. +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
A prince named Khenn loses his dream and regains it when a father with his daughter enters his life. It tells the story of an adventurous journey, of horses and the great landscapes of an oriental country ... and most of all of how prince Khenn during this journey through hot deserts and majestic mountains begins to understand what it means to be a father. It turns out to be a journey which changes everything ... for all of them.
Inspired by a true story this book tells of hope and faithfulness, of acceptation, faith and trusting love.

Alle Tage vom Himmel umarmt
(Every Day embraced by Heaven) 160 p, 11x17 cm, 6,40 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone. +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
- A: info@toplife-center.com,
- CH: info@adventverlag.ch
- G: info@advent-verlag.de
A flower bouquet of 70 short stories and every day experiences are told in this book in a fresh and loving way. They surprise us in how much they are able to tell us about God’s love and care. By this the little things of life receive a big value. Let’s experience God’s grace and closeness in the many facets of life.

Aber seine Liebe bleibt
- Gottes eigene Geschichte im Himmel und auf Erden
(But His Love will abide) Much extended Version of “Plan of Love“
128 p, 11 x 17 cm, 5,90 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone. +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
- A: info@toplife-center.com,
- CH: info@adventverlag.ch
- G: info@advent-verlag.de
By which high cost did God connect his life with the lives of men? The answer in this book reveals God’s love from creation to the recreation of the earth. The biblical accounts and well-founded historical backgrounds unfold the truth by a vividly retold story. It is like a panoramic view on God’s own story and on his unbroken love for us.

Plan der Liebe
German Version of “Plan of Love“ 32 p, 7,5 x 10,5 cm, 1,00 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
- A: info@toplife-center.com,
- CH: info@adventverlag.ch
- G: info@advent-verlag.de
Illustrated Books

An meine Tochter - Dein himmlischer Vater
(To my Daughter – Your heavenly Father), 32 p, 7,5 x 10,5 cm, 0,99 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
A little illustrated booklet for women and teenage girls. With biblical texts, by which our heavenly Father can give joy and courage to his beloved earthly daughters, and show them his esteem for them.

Die Perle in seiner Vaterhand
(The Pearl in His Father-Hand), 32 p, 7,5 x 10,5 cm, 1,50 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
A little illustrated booklet, ideal as a gift. With encouraging biblical texts from the book “Wie ein Perle in meiner Hand”, by which God’s shows, how much He esteems everyone.

Wie ein Lied der Liebe für Dich
- Das Geschenk im Lied des Königs
(Like a Song of Love for you – The Song of the King)
Hardcover, 124 pages, 21 x 21 cm, 19,80 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
The Songs of Solomon in today’s German language – a poetic book with many testimonies about the love of men and the love of Heaven. It includes the story of Solomon’s life. And with special pages for own creative usage this illustrated book becomes a very personal book. Also Ideal as a gift for example for weddings, engagements and friendships, marriage and many more occasions.
Books about Faith

Die Frohe Botschaft der Offenbarung Gottes
Much extended Version of “The Glad Tidings of God’s Revelation“ with the main topics of the Book of Revelation explained by the Bible itself.
124 p, 15 x 21 cm, 8,50 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
The keys for the Book of Revelation lay in the Testimony of Jesus and in the symbols, which we can find throughout the whole Bible. God gives us with this book hope and reveals to us his thoughts of love. Along with the main topics of the book of Revelation we can learn anew to be amazed of God. He writes us with the Book of Revelation a personal letter and invites us to trust Him.

Gottes Tag offenbart
sein Geheimnis im Licht
German Version of “God’s reveals His Mystery in His Light“
60p, 15x21cm, 6,50€
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02

Die Wahrheit über Gott
German Version of “The Truth about God“ 60 p, 15 x 21 cm, 4,00 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02

Geliebte Töchter Gottes
(Beloved Daughters of God) 96 p, 11 x 17 cm, 7,40 €
- info@adventistbookcenter.at,
- Phone +49 (0)7808 58 32 86 02
- A: info@toplife-center.com,
- CH: info@adventverlag.ch
What does God as a Creator and Father think of women? Certain Bible verses shown in their context and historical background present a surprising perspective. The high value of women and their ministry is revealed, as well as God’s esteem for women. Additional biblical stories express God’s fatherly love. May we be therefore anew inspired by God himself.
So discover the value of the woman in the Bible – It is encouragement, motivation, joy.
Addresses for Order
ABC Medien GmbH, Adventist Book Center
Bogenhofen 1, 4963 St. Peter am Hart, Austria
For Austria: Phone +43 (0)720 510721, Fax +43 (0)7722 63125-105
For Germany: Phone +49 (0)7808 58328-602, Fax +49 (0)7808 58328-609
Internet: www.adventistbookcenter.at, E-Mail: info@adventistbookcenter.at
Top Life-Wegweiser Verlag
Prager Straße 287, 1210 Wien, Austria
Phone +43 (0)1 229 4000, Fax +43 (0)1 229 4000-599
Internet: www.toplife-center.com, E-Mail: info@toplife-center.com
Advent-Verlag Krattigen
Leissigenstrasse 17, 3704 Krattigen, Switzerland
Phone +41 (0)33 511 11 99
Internet: www.adventverlag.ch, E-Mail: info@adventverlag.ch
Advent-Verlag GmbH
Pulverweg 6, 21337 Lüneburg, Germany
Phone +49 (0)4131 9835-02 or 0800 2383680
Internet: www.advent-verlag.de, E-Mail: info@advent-verlag.de