Poems and Poetry


God says to you:

The value you have for me
is not you to define,
but is defined by what
I was ready to give for you ...
and that was my own life.
Do you understand this?


Jaimée M. 2015

Rainbow –
the Covenant of his Presence

What a mighty creation of our almighty God.
The horizon of grey clouds still thunders with lightning.
Warm rain after the heat of a day, and a landscape in veils,
the fragrance of the wet soil and of water fills the air.

Suddenly behind you the sun shines through clouds,
evening-golden, while the rain still drops softly onto your skin.
And reflected in your eyes a rainbow appears,
gently created with water and light by the hands of a God so gentle.

Colours are shining across the sky, touching the earth
like a gate to heaven, like a bridge to home,
truly uniting the seen with the unseen, our faith with His presence,
a message through the storms of life, the promise of a Father in care:

“I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Hold my hand, I hold you, and with the rainbow remember:
Where ever you might be, whatever you do, you never will be alone.
To the ends of the world, trust me, for where you are,
there in love am I.”


Jaimée M. 1985

God’s Assurance

“I am here.
I will never never never leave you.
Even though your difficulties may be confusing to you,
and I may not answer immediately
still wait and see, what I can do.
I give you a future and a hope.
Don’t give up so short before the end of the world.
I even carry you the last few steps if necessary.
I am with you at any place of the world,
where ever you are and might be.
Don’t give up,
Don’t be afraid,
I am with you, my child.”


Jaimée M. 2005

Always a new Morning
in your Life

See the bloom of valleys in sleeping flower-bells,
twilight reflected in crystal-clear water-wells.
It’s a pure dawning wonder; call it angel-light,
that softly conquers after a full-moon night.

A morning in dewdrops arises so shining.
Rosy skies and birds in praise are uniting.
Rejoice in One’s glorious rise from the tomb they do.
It seems ahead of loved Followers they knew.

It was their Creator’s voice, now in a woman’s ear,
His caring words for that humble child to hear,
even before He met his own Father and God,
to touch the heart of a fallen race He sought.

His words are so gentle, moved by your tears,
“I know you are crying. But I conquered all fears.
My power is greater than death and your trials.
Home I will bring you through heavenly aisles.”

There you lift your head, meeting his eyes so warm,
and your heart finds already in his embrace a home.
“Oh, may the strings of all hearts sing with me!
God is life, all love in all ages, all is He!”


Jaimée M. 2007

He and me in a Tree

With my God I can climb an unknown tree.
With Him overcome a wall in the dark.
By his encouraging voice I can leap
over the inner walls in my heart.

Frustration, pain, insecurity
are walls like doubt or anxiety,
fear and forlornness, all paralyse indeed.
Courage to live is a real true need.

Listen, my heart, and you will hear,
His voice is so assuring and near.
Watch, my heart, the Father is with me.
Just look a little higher, in the unknown tree.


Jaimée M. 2006

Trust and take the Step

All human work
is senseless because of death.
Jesus did overcome death.
Entrust yourself to Him
and things begins to make sense.

God gives the light.
It’s on you
to step from darkness
into his brightness.


Jaimée M. 1981

(written in German
when I was a teenager)